Great lawns don’t just happen. They are the result of proper lawn care and maintenance that goes beyond watering and mowing.

Aeration, verticutting, and overseeding area all vital tasks necessary to a healthy, lush, vibrant lawn. If your lawn is looking sparse, brown, or you have insect damage, the experts at Supreme Green Landworks offer aeration, verticutting, and overseeding services that will bring your lawn back to life and looking lush and green.


Core aeration is vital to maintaining a healthy lawn. Core aeration removes small plugs, or cores, of soil and thatch from your lawn, breaking up soil compaction and built-up thatch that starve your root system. Removing these plugs creates a channel that allows water, nutrients, air, and fertilizers to penetrate the soil more easily and nourish your root system, allowing roots to grow deeper and stronger. Core aeration helps keep your lawn healthy, making it more resistant to heat and drought conditions. Supreme Green Landworks recommends that core aeration be done annually, typically in the fall, either before or with fertilization to improve fertilizer absorption for better root growth.



Overseeding will bring back your lawn’s vitality. Supreme Green Landworks will plant grass seed directly into your existing grass. Overseeding is ideal for treating bare spots, improving grass density, treating high-traffic areas, and enhancing color. Overseeding will help reduce the amount of water, fertilizers, and pesticides needed for your lawn. Your lawn will look healthier, more lush and will be able to fight insects and diseases easier. Supreme Green Landworks recommends overseeding be done every 3 to 4 years. During drought conditions overseeding may need to be done more frequently. Supreme Green Landworks recommends overseeding take place in the fall, after aeration and/or verticutting, so that the new grass can be established before cold weather sets in.


Verticutting is used to create a seedbed for overseeding and for thatch control. Supreme Green Landworks uses a verticutting machine to cut narrow grooves into your grass, through the thatch, to create a seedbed. Verticutting is done prior to overseeding to improve the chances of seed implantation. Verticutting is especially good for thin and bare areas of your lawn.

Call Supreme Green Landworks at 913-829-9929 to find out more about our core aeration, verticutting, and overseeding services.